Driving through the Pilion Mountains we get from the Golfe of Volos to the Egean Sea to Damouchari where the peebles are white and romantic. We are all alone, nobody, just the pebbles and us. We get inspired and make milo messengers. It has been a long time now that we could make a market. We hope to go back to Athens on the touristic streets around the Acropolis to propose our arts ...we'll see ;-)
From Damouchari we go back to the Golfe of Volos down to Milina, lot's of German, Dutch and Austrian cars. They will tell us that we are really lucky to be here, because normally people don't really know this place here. Well they have THEIR houses there, they must know ;-)...
We go on to the end of the Peninsula, where the white and blue cycladian houses wait for us. And yes, it's wonderful! Trikeri is a little village that sticks to the mountain and overloooks Mylos and Agia Kiriaki, two little villages, nearly forgotten their behind but so romantic. Especially Agia Kiriaki is funny: you can come their from two sides but you can't drive through...well not with a car ;-) It seems so sleepy ... but not on a Holyday: lots of Grrek people are coming and having mostly coffee in the sun and lot's of new and stylish cars are driven. On the 25. March they celebrate their independance from the Turkish Ottomans in 1821! That's old but it is still very important...
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